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Cowskin Creek Water Quality Reclamation Facility Improvements

Wichita, Kansas

An upgrade to meet compliance requirements while maintaining plant operations.

Key Services


Delivery Method
Progressive Design-Build (PDB)

The challenge

The Cowskin Creek Water Quality Reclamation Facility, also known as Plant 3, plays a dual role in the northwest portion of Wichita, Kansas, providing wastewater treatment while serving as a recreational space for the community. However, in 2015, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) issued a Consent Order mandating significant upgrades to the facility’s headworks and solids treatment systems to meet compliance requirements. The City of Wichita needed a solution that would address these demands while maintaining uninterrupted operations.

Key Facts

Completed ahead of schedule

Zero plant shutdowns during construction

Challenge met

CAS Constructors executed a comprehensive rehabilitation of the facility, focusing on innovative design and efficient construction sequencing to meet the KDHE compliance schedule without additional costs to the City. Upgrades included:

  • Installing a new grit removal unit
  • Rehabilitating influent screening channels
  • Reconfiguring and reconstructing the biosolids digestion and dewatering systems
  • Installing a new centrifuge for solids processing
  • Adding a biofilter system
  • Replacing effluent reuse pumps and updating the pumping control system

These improvements enhanced the facility’s operational efficiency while ensuring compliance, securing reliable wastewater treatment for the community, and preserving the site’s recreational value.

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